
Show your support for the Decision Education Movement.

Sign Our Pledge

At the Alliance, we believe that better decisions lead to better lives and a better society. 

Show your support for bringing Decision Education to K-12 classrooms across the country by signing our Decision Education Pledge. By adding your name to our pledge, you help us demonstrate the growing demand for teaching decision-making skills and dispositions to every student throughout the United States.

By signing the Decision Education pledge, I agree that:

  • When all students have access to Decision Education in their K-12 learning experience, we will begin to see a more open-minded, empathetic, and flourishing society.
  • Decision Education can impact a student’s quality of life by empowering them to make better decisions.
  • Decision-making is a fundamental skill we rely on every day, and equipping our students with strong decision-making skills sets them up for success both today and for their futures.
  • The need for Decision Education has never been greater. Students make thousands of decisions every day in an information-rich world, where technology strongly influences decision-making, belief formation, and interpersonal connections.
  • Integrating Decision Education into K-12 curriculum is essential for preparing students for success and resilience in this ever-changing world. The time is now to bring Decision Education to all K-12 students.

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