Give your students this worksheet to reflect on their thoughts and actions when confronted with new ideas or different ways of thinking.
When they’re finished, introduce the concept of Active Open-Mindedness, and ask for examples of what it might look like to practice this on a day-to-day basis.
After you’ve introduced the concept, give the students this worksheet to reflect on their classmates’ actions when confronted with new ideas. Give them time to discuss their responses in small groups.
Suggested Discussion Questions:
- What similarities and differences do you notice between your thoughts and your actions?
- What do your responses tell you about your own practice of Active Open-Mindedness?
- Compare your responses about your classmates. What similarities and differences do you notice?
- Are there differences in how you see yourself and how you see your classmates? Why? How do you think your classmates see you?
- How might our class discussions feel different if we all practices Active Open-Mindedness? What would change?