Lesson Plan

HabitWise Lesson #5

  • Students will be able to identify a variety of habits that would be worthwhile for them to crush or nurture in the categories of wellness, money management, productivity, and relationships.

Developing healthy and sustainable habits doesn’t happen overnight. In this lesson, students explore different tools to develop a plan for committing to a habit and tracking their success.

VAR.7 – Create and track sustainable and desirable habits

What to look and listen for:

  • What tools did students find useful?
  • Did they feel like they could actually commit to developing the habit they selected?
  • Do students actively monitor their progress? Are they able to pinpoint challenges they face and adjust?


Engage (10 minutes):

Give students time to journal to reflect on the successes and challenges they have seen so far, as they strive to develop healthy habits that will help them achieve their goals.


Suggested Journaling Prompt:

We have been working to develop healthy habits for four weeks! What successes have you seen? What challenges have you faced? What would you like to improve?


Apply (20-25 minutes):

Introduce students to the worksheets, including:


Discuss the purpose of each worksheet and how it might be useful. Share them with students so they can begin selecting tools and strategies to support their development of healthy, sustainable habits. You could also let students choose small groups based on tools they’ve selected to discuss how they might be useful.


Have students write a commitment – with clear next steps – to develop ways to track their progress using these tools.


Reflect (10-15 minutes):

As a class, determine how you can support each other with your commitments. You could create a plan together.


Review any parts of the habit loop learned in lessons 1 through 4 of this unit.

Allow students to work on developing habits in pairs, if desired. For example, they could create an exercise plan together.

Optional extensions:

You may wish to designate class time in the future to track progress and/or read articles together to keep students on track with their healthy habits.

Additional optional lesson extensions are available by clicking here.

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