Lesson Plan

Analyzing High Impact Decisions within Historical Fiction Lesson #3

  • Students will generate and develop options for Eveline.
  • Students will identify potential sources of information for Eveline.

Generating options is the act of looking beyond the most obvious possibilities to come up with more and potentially better options. While many decisions appear to be an either/or situation, there are often more options that may be apparent at first. In this lesson, students will analyze Eveline’s options, and generate other possible options.

SD.3 – Generate and develop significantly different and criteria-aligned decision options

SD.4 – Gather and analyze information from multiple sources to evaluate decision options

What to look and listen for: Are students able to generate a variety of additional options for Eveline? Do the options students generate meet the criteria shared in Apply?


Engage (10-15 minutes): 

Facilitate a discussion with your students about the options Eveline identified in the story. Ask your students to situate themselves in her shoes.

Suggested Prompts & Questions:

  • What options did Eveline have?
  • What was Eveline trying to achieve?
  • How do Eveline’s values affect her options?
  • What limits did Eveline face with her options?

Apply (10-15 minutes): 

Review the generating options part of the video from lesson one: A Decision-Making Process (starting at 2:44).

Then, assign students to small groups to collectively generate additional options for Eveline, and create a poster or presentation to share with the class.

Suggested Questions:

Use information from the text, including what you know about Eveline, the other characters, and their values and circumstances, to develop at least two additional options for Eveline. Make sure to consider the following criteria from the video:

  • Are the options under Eveline’s control?
  • Are they significantly different?
  • Are they attractive?
  • Are they doable?

Reflect (10-15 minutes): 

Invite each group to share the additional options they generated for Eveline and ask other students to provide feedback using the criteria from the video. With a better understanding of Eveline’s options, have students consider possible sources that could inform her decision.

Suggested Questions:

  • Putting yourself in Eveline’s shoes, are there people or other sources that could help you weigh these options?
  • How could seeking guidance from other sources have informed Eveline’s decision?


For students who might struggle with generating options, you could consider providing a few options and have them debate the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Optional extensions:

You can challenge students to develop even more options for Eveline.

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