
Analyzing High Impact Decisions within Historical Fiction

Students will be introduced to a decision-making process and decision-making pitfalls. They will apply this knowledge to analyze the short story “Eveline” from Dubliners, by James Joyce, and will have the opportunity to place themselves at the center of Eveline’s decision-making process.

Text: Joyce, James, 1882-1941. Dubliners. New York, N.Y.: New American Library, 1991.

This unit is based on lessons created by 2021-2022 Decision Education Fellow, Topher Bigelow, an English Language Arts teacher at the High School for Community Leadership in Queens, NY. We thank Topher for their hard work, insight, and expertise in developing this decision-making unit.


  • Students will analyze the decision Eveline makes and the consequences of those decisions.
  • Students will reflect on the potential impact of a decision-making process and how it could have affected outcomes for Eveline.

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