UC Berkeley Resources

Scientific thinking for all: A toolkit
This popular university course on scientific critical thinking, co-developed by a Nobel Laureate in physics, a social psychologist, and a philosopher at UC Berkeley, presents strategies of scientific thinking most useful for everyday life in an interactive format. Topics include probabilistic reasoning, causal reasoning, the role of science in society, and group and individual decision-making, tied together with themes of iteration, optimism, and collaboration. [Access to additional curricular materials available to educators upon request.]

Sense & Sensibility & Science
This open-access high school science curriculum teaches students thinking tools from science useful for everyday life and decision-making. Each of six units introduces a different set of scientific thinking skills in the context of a real-world issue at the intersection of science and society, culminating in a realistic group decision informed by science. Most issues fit into an environmental or health science context, but teach skills relevant to all the sciences.