Grants & Scholarships

Helping expand the reach and impact of Decision Education.

Sharing opportunities for learning and funding

The Alliance is committed to creating opportunities for students, schools, and districts that see the potential and power of Decision Education and seek to learn more, execute skill-development, and help build understanding for broader implementation.

Through grants and special funding opportunities, we aim to make Decision Education accessible to all students.

We will share opportunities supported by the Alliance and our donors, or by like-minded organizations in an effort to make Decision Education available to all students, in all schools.

Current Funding Opportunities

$1,500 Research Scholarship Award for Graduate Students

January 16 Deadline for Research Paper Submission.

The Decision Education Research Scholarship Award is open to current graduate students from any academic discipline and carries a $1,500 award to winning research papers that demonstrate insight and innovation in the growing field of Decision Education.

Winners will present their work at the Graduate Student Research Forum in Philadelphia in Spring 2023.

Research papers should add to and deepen the understanding of Decision Education. The research paper will focus on an area of Decision Education of the applicant’s choosing, and will serve to evaluate its application to student learning and outcomes.

The research paper can be 1) an analytical review of the literature on a topic or area of Decision Education or 2) a report of an independent research study on a topic or area of Decision Education supported by data (quantitative or qualitative).

The literature review paper should include a brief description of the focus area of Decision Education, a review of research outlining major findings and its connection to Decision Education, implications for student learning and outcomes, and suggestions for future research. The report of an independent research study should similarly include the previous components, in addition to sections on methods and results of data analysis.

  • The research paper should be prepared according to APA style.
  • Suggested length for the research paper is approximately 2000-3000 words
  • It must include citations and references to justify conclusions.
  • Submissions will be evaluated based on the clarity of the literature review, depth of analysis, quality of scholarship, and the relevance to Decision Education.

All graduate students currently enrolled in a graduate-level degree program (masters or doctoral, part- or full-time) are eligible to apply.

The Graduate Student Research Forum, to be held in Spring 2023 in Philadelphia, provides scholarship awardees an opportunity to get to know one another informally, as well as formally present and engage in a Q&A after each presentation. This opportunity will allow graduate students to practice scientific communication, as well as network with other emerging scholars with similar research interests.

Attendance is mandatory for all award winners. Note: Virtual presentation options via Zoom are available in some circumstances, i.e. international recipients, health reasons. Requests for the virtual presentation option will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Alliance.

  • September 19: Intent to Apply form opens
  • October 18: Virtual Information Session 1
  • November 1: Virtual Information Session 2
  • November 14: Intent to Apply form closes; Award Paper Submission form opens
  • January 16: Award Paper Submission form closes
  • Spring 2023: Graduate Student Research

The deadline to submit your research paper is January 16, 2023.

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